We are happy to offer the purchase of Banquet tickets online. Payments are made to a FRAA account with PayPal. It is a secure transaction that will simplify things for everyone. You do not need a PayPal account to make a payment. Payments reflect PayPal's 1.99% plus $.49 fee for transaction. Tickets are $60.00

Choose from 1 to 10 meals to complete a table. Note: Ignore the quantity number on paypal shopping cart page it will only reflects (1) for quantity. If you need to edit entree quanity delete it from shopping cart, click continue shopping, and change here.

Incogneto mode in web browser seems to break the paypal linking in some cases so try without that.

Entree options are: Beef, Chicken, Stuffed Shrimp, Pasta

How Many Entrees?
List person(s) and entree.(e.g. Joe Smith-beef, Sam Scott-pasta)